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In some projects, customers do not like the alarm/alert screen as a popup. These customers would prefer that the alert screen act like any other navigation and be part of the topology.

  • Turn off alert panel on top. System Management→Settings→Central Settings→uncheck Alert/Event Panel Display Behavior: “Always stay on top”
  • Find your topology naviPanel
  • Locate the button which opens the alert screen, right click “Open panel reference”
  • Edit the script connected to the “Clicked” event
  • Replace the “pt_click_PT_navi_as();” with the script below:
  int uinum = myUiNumber();
  string naviModule;
  dpGet("_Ui_"+uinum+".Navigation.ModuleName", naviModule);
  // if you have a custom configuration for alarms, put name in first parameter
  openAES("aes_alerts", naviModule, AES_ACTION_AUTORUN );

If you have designed a custom alert layout or filtering, be sure to use your name rather than “aes_alerts” in the function call.

Notice: there is a close button on the regular /panels/vision/aes/AEScreen.pnl This button would be bad to click in a topology. You may want to remove this button.

alertscreentopology.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/26 18:24 by toddmalone

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