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If you are designing a trend with scripting or drag/drop methods to assign pens, you need a way to clear the chart. This is not a trivial task as you need to disconnect, clear memory and then remove elements from the trend. Here is code to correctly clear out a trend chart:

  int areaCount, i, j;
  dyn_string curves;
  getValue("TREND1", "numTrendAreas", areaCount);
  for(i=0; i<areaCount; i++)
    getValue("TREND1", "curveNames", i, curves);
    for(j=1; j<=dynlen(curves); j++)
      setValue("TREND1", "disconnectDirectly", curves[j]);
      setValue("TREND1", "curveRemoveData", curves[j], getCurrentTime());
      setValue("TREND1", "removeCurve", curves[j]);
    setValue("TREND1", "removeTrendArea", i);
  setValue("TREND1", "addTrendArea");                                    // ready for new pens
trendclearpensareas.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/26 18:30 by toddmalone

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